
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hello again, Mr. Weber!

For once, a weekend without rain, and a chance to pull out our baby Weber grill for the first time this season.

The results: grilled bluefish tempered with a cilantro-lemon-rosé dressing; grilled asparagus clad only in salt, pepper and olive oil; and a salad of greens, tomato, cucumber, olives and apple.

I also managed to finish the herb garden, which now has rosemary, sage, oregano, peppermint, ginger mint and creeping thyme sharing space with mixed greens and spinach.

If the chives come up and the tomato survives the squirrel onslaught, this promises to be a very yummy summer.


  1. Always great to break out the Weber!
    Weber Grill Reviews

  2. Wow -- my first strategic-linking comment! I've hit the big time now!
